The latest Learning Environments newsletter highlights include:
• February First Friday: Join members of the Teaching and Learning Technologies team for February’s First Friday: Practical AI in your Course! In this interactive session, you’ll learn to create effective prompts to use AI in your course thoughtfully. This session will be held on Friday, February 7th at 12:00 pm. Register for this session.
• Smart Search Available: A new feature option, Smart Search, is now enabled for use in your Canvas Courses! Smart Search is an AI-driven tool that allows certain content in your course to be searchable. Learn more about enabling this feature option and using the tool.
• Tips and tricks
• More!
To see this newsletter (and previous issues) as well as join the mailing list, go to LE-News Google Groups page (be sure you are logged into your Rice Google account first). Also, check out our training calendar for workshops and one-on-one sessions for assistance with your teaching needs.