Canvas Dashboard Changes

On Tuesday May 12th, 2020 the Dashboard, Courses menu, and All Courses page will distinguish between published and unpublished courses.

Canvas Dashboard Changes

The Dashboard

It now displays two sections: published courses and unpublished courses. Unpublished courses display at the bottom of the Dashboard. For help in customizing which courses show on your dashboard visit How do I customize my courses list.


Courses can be published directly from the Dashboard without having to open the course. Once published, the course displays in the Published Courses section.

Courses Menu

From Global Navigation, the Courses menu also displays courses as published and unpublished. Once a course is published, the Unpublished heading is removed, and the published course is listed along with the other published courses.


All Courses Page

In the All Courses page, unpublished courses are identified with a gray background if they are within the current term or course dates and display at the end of the section. Unpublished courses in past or future enrollments also display at the end of the section, but they are not indicated with the gray background.

Once the course is published, the gray background is removed.

