The research cyberinfrastructure working-group is a working-group of the IT Council Subcommittee on Research Computing. The working group is tasked with providing advise to the Center for Research Computing covering all aspects of existing shared high-performance & high-throughput computing, storage and visualization infrastructure. Specifically the shared research cyberinfrastructure working-group is charged with:
- Advising on cluster queuing policies and setting and approving said policies and guidelines.
- Advising on research storage policies (/home, /project, /work, and /scratch) and setting and approving said policies & guidelines.
- Advising and approving hardware and software acquisitions as it relates to future needs for shared compute, storage and visualization cyberinfrastructure.
- Approving user fees for shared compute, storage and visualization cyberinfrastructure.
- Developing guidelines for special faculty/user requests and exceptions to be implement by CRC.
- Acting as a mediator on disputes between users and CRC.
Working group members
- Cecilia Clementi, CHEM, working-group chair (3 year term starting 8/15/2015)
- Stephen Bradshaw, PHYS (3 year term starting 8/15/2015)
- Alan Levander, ESCI (2 year term starting 8/15/2015)
- Tayfun Tezduyar, MECH (2 year term starting 8/15/2015)
- Amina Qutub, BIOE (3 year term starting 8/15/2015)
- Moshe Vardi, CS (2 year term starting 8/15/2015)
- Caleb McDaniel, HIST (2 year term starting 8/15/2015)
- Social Science, TBA (2 year term starting 8/15/2015)
- Jan E. Odegard, AVP, Research Computing & Cyberinfrastructure
Ex officio members:
- Paul Padley, PHYS, chair ITC
- Klara Jelinkova, Vice President for International Operations and IT
- Erik Engquist, Director, Center for Research Computing
Standard working group term is 3 years. Above indicated terms is for the purpose of startup to ensure rotation and continuity.